The Indie Founder Mindset


Zack Steven

Nov 6, 2023

The Indie Founder Mindset: Key Principles for Startup Success in 2024

As the co-founder and CEO of Cloudburst, I've worked with hundreds of founders over the years. Through these experiences, I've identified crucial mindsets that set successful "indie founders" apart. These are the entrepreneurs who bootstrap their way to success without relying on venture capital.

Why Focus on Indie Founders Now?

There's never been a better time to launch a tech company. The barriers to entry are lower than ever, with accessible tools, global talent pools, and unprecedented connectivity. However, this accessibility is a double-edged sword:

It's never been easier to overbuild a product nobody wants.

If you're an ambitious founder looking to build a sustainable, profitable business on your own terms, here are the core principles to embrace:

1. Focus on Why (and Who), Before What

Entrepreneurship is hard. You'll need internal motivation to endure the inevitable setbacks. Indie founders seek independence and impact more than just money. It's easy to "jump to solutions," but remember:

The #1 reason companies fail is that they don't serve a market need.

Key Actions:

  • Keep your customer at the center of your decision-making

  • Ask yourself: Who is your company for and why?

  • Identify the enduring problem you're solving

  • Stay open-minded about potential solutions

  • Talk to customers and run experiments frequently

  • Be willing to pivot based on what you learn

Your initial idea is rarely the best one. The most successful companies are built to address something bigger than themselves. There's no satisfaction quite like building something people love and use.

2. Don't Wait for "The Money"

The startup world is obsessed with fundraising, but chasing investors often comes at the cost of building your business. Let's look at some sobering statistics:

  • Only 0.6% of businesses raise any venture capital at all

  • 98% of VC dollars flow to one gender

  • 80% of VC dollars flow to just three states

  • Only 1% of VC dollars flow to Black and Latino founders

As an indie founder, challenge yourself to gain traction without outside investment.

Ask Yourself:

What would you do if you had the money? Can you do it anyway?

Focus on Low-Cost Validation:

  1. Keep your day job until it actively hampers your startup

  2. Identify a problem people will pay you to solve

  3. Sell it before you build it

  4. Solve it with tactics that won't scale initially

  5. Try "no-code" options like Airtable, Webflow, Zapier, and Glide

Remember: Money doesn't build products or companies, people do. It takes courage, resourcefulness, and creativity to build things people want. Those qualities can't be bought.

3. Let Go of Your Ego

Building a successful startup is all about storytelling and making connections. Many founders hide away perfecting their product before showing it to anyone. This is a mistake.

Why Early Feedback Matters:

  • Validates your assumptions

  • Helps you prioritize features

  • Builds relationships with potential customers

  • Saves time and resources

  • Forces you to articulate your value proposition

As Reid Hoffman famously said:

"If you're not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you've launched too late."

Your job as a founder is to sell your vision, not just build technology. Embrace this from day one. What gets shared gets stronger, not stolen. First build connections, then a product.

4. Take Action to Make Failure Routine

Fear of failure holds many founders back. To overcome this, create systems that normalize small failures as part of your process.

Instead of Big Goals, Focus on Consistent Habits:

  • Talk to X customers per week

  • Ship Y new features per month

  • Run Z experiments every quarter

A steady stream of small actions will get you much further than waiting to launch the "perfect" product.

Choose systems over goals, where failure now equals future success because of what you built, what you learned, or who you met.

When we regularly put ourselves in the way of "failure," it becomes the path to future success. Build your startup on systems of regularly producing and getting feedback.

10 Tips for Indie Founder Success

  1. Surround yourself with creative and curious people: Your network influences your thinking and opportunities.

  2. You're in business when you have a customer: Focus on solving real problems people will pay for.

  3. What would you do with "the money"? Do it anyway: Don't let lack of funding stop you from making progress.

  4. Sell it before you build it: Validate demand before investing heavily in development.

  5. Embrace constraints to drive creativity: Limited resources can lead to innovative solutions.

  6. Direction is more important than velocity: Make sure you're moving towards your goals, even if slowly.

  7. Shared ideas get stronger, not stolen: Don't be afraid to talk about your startup.

  8. Cash is queen. Extend the runway: Manage your finances carefully to give yourself more time to succeed.

  9. Make progress on your own, then ask for help: Show initiative before seeking support.

  10. GET STARTED! When you build, you learn: Action beats planning every time.


These mindsets form the foundation of indie founder success. At Cloudburst, we help entrepreneurs put these principles into practice as they build their products and their businesses.

While knowing what to do is simple, consistently executing is challenging. There's no perfect formula - you have to find the right balance and sequence of activities that works for you.

But by embracing these core mindsets - customer focus, bootstrapping, early selling, and normalized failure - you'll be well-positioned to build a successful startup on your own terms.

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